PSVR Review

We got our PSVR pack a few months back and were instantly impressed.

The Unpack and Set up

The out of the box experience to playing wasn’t too much hassle.

The biggest issues were had with having to fish out the PS4 itself to be able to plug in all the new cables.

The actual PSVR control box is able to be placed closer / further away from your TV. Really helpful if you also have your PS4 under the TV too.

We noticed that the camera did seem a little on the light side and as such the recoiling cable for it means that we have to place something heavier on the cable itself to stop this.

The game playing setup

Once you have the PSVR and PS4 and the camera setup, the fun begins with the PS4 talking you through setup of the headset itself.

This involves adjusting the headset to your head size and comfort while also working with you through doing things like measuring the distance between your eyes for a much better experience.

Gaming it up

The first thing you’ll want to do once you have spent the time setting up your new toy is to play the included games.

I can’t even begin to tell you how cool some games are but all share one thing – they’re trying captivating, 360 degree, emotion and sometimes illness inflicting wonders!

Once you’ve worked out how to set it all up, play fruit ninja like a pro and enjoy your way through AstroBot, you’ll soon want to start spending more on games just to see what wonders await.

Gaming advice

It is so important to remember that VR induces motion sickness in some players.

This is not a bad thing if you’re unlucky enough to suffer this. You can immunise yourself by recognising the symptoms before you’re being physically sick and build up that time before it happens again with regular short playing sessions (5 – 10mins type).

Also, buying a game like the latest first person shooter (like you normally would) becomes a gamble as you may, like myself, never make it off of the menu screen and yet paid the full game price. Something these manufacturers will have to address going forwards with more demo packs.

Demo packs

Grab the Sony demo packs from the PS store as these will definitely give you a chance to see if you can play the game you intend on buying and my advice would be to not buy ANYTHING until you do make sure it’s not a waste of money for you.